When was the Last Time you Made a Mistake?
Today’s Tidbit Tuesday is going to be a little different today. I want us to close our eyes to remember the last time we made a mistake. Did you acknowledge your mistake to do better for the future, or did you continue to live life like it never happened?
As a creator, I have learned to embrace my mistakes and to receive the learning lesson. For example, I edit many podcast episodes throughout the week for my clients, and sometimes I overwhelm myself. When I become overwhelmed, I push my tasks to the back burner, and I wait until Sunday to get it all done. One of my clients stated that I missed a requested sentence she wanted to be removed, and it destroyed me that I missed it. I decided that I needed to make a change, and organization was something needed.
I decided to get my life more organized by making sure my calendar reflects all my daily duties and meetings and, I create a daily to-do list. Since I have become more organized, this has helped me and my mental health by simply sticking to a schedule to meet my deadlines. It is still a work in progress, but I am making an effort to make a change.
I say all of this to say that my life would still be in chaos if my client did not call me on my mistake. The project I presented to her was rushed and flawed, which was piss poor on my end.
So the next time somebody calls you out on your ish or you make a mistake, live in the moment and learn the lesson behind it. Those moments are valuable because those moments are called growth opportunities.
“The most valuable thing is a mistake - you can’t learn anything from being perfect.”
- Adam Osbourne