Face the Truth
Are you being honest with yourself?
Yesterday, the 6th season of the What’s Good podcast was released, and one of the topics I covered was being truthful with yourself. As I do self-reflection, I have realized that I am a people pleaser, and I put others before myself. Allowing this behavior isn't the best option because when it comes to my needs, I won’t have any energy to fulfill them.
Being truthful with yourself can be easier said than done, so I created a simple list of ways to be true to yourself.
Learn how to say no: Stand up for yourself and admit if you don’t want to do something. Say no without an explanation. Saying, "no" is a full sentence.
Be conscious of your surroundings: The closest people in your circle are the ones who will drain your energy the most. Be careful who you keep around. Surround yourself with love and positivity.
Let go and let flow: Forgive others that have hurt you and do not allow them to have power over you. If you hold onto the past, this can cause triggers for your present and future relationships.
Don’t hide your feelings: Express yourself and be open when sharing your feelings. Delivery and understanding are key, but be clear on how you feel about situations.
Listen to your gut: You have the answers to living your life due to your intuition. Your intuition is the navigation when making life decisions. Listen and pay attention to your inner-self.
Take these tips and practice putting yourself first. It is not an easy process, but you can alleviate anxiety and stress along the way.
Hard times will come as you sit with yourself, and evaluate your life, but at the end of the tunnel will be great times. Listen to your soul, and take the path to happiness.