Don't Get Complacent, Reinvent Yourself Today


Are you feeling stuck?

Last week, during our Real Talk with Bri session, we talked about reinventing yourself.

Feeling stuck and complacent can lead to boredom, laziness, procrastination, and feeling unfilled. Here are some ways you can get unstuck to back in the groove of being creative and back to your greatest self.

  1. Change your Routine: One action item that helped me become unstuck was waking up early in the morning. I would take the time to read, pray, and journal my thoughts to start the day in gratitude and peace.

  2. Learn Something New: Going to YouTube University will spark some inspiration to help you become creative again. Find something you like to do or want to explore.

  3. Exercise: I realized that exercising helps me calm down for the day. Sometimes I work out in the morning for an energy boost, or I may exercise at night to burn some steam from the day. Either way, exercising gives you time to clear your mind and focus on something else.

  4. Check-In With Yourself: Becoming stuck usually means you are avoiding actions to push you further along your career goals or level of knowledge. If you become complacent, this can cause you to procrastinate in your daily life. Figure out those triggers to learn how to avoid them in the future. Ask yourself, "How can I move past this?"

  5. Get Support: If you find yourself stuck for too long, lean on a resource to help you get through this difficult time. For example, find a therapist, a friend, or a family member to talk things through. It is imperative to take care of ourselves mentally and physically. Lean on your resources to bring you back to the light.

Pouring tea at the coffee shop.

It is imperative to take care of yourself. Waking up to another day means there are new opportunities to explore.

Don’t ever allow yourself to feel defeated. Take some time to reflect and create an action plan to find inner peace within yourself.

Find your joy again!


“When something bad happens, you have three choices. You can let it define you, let it destroy you, or you can let it strengthen you.” -Dr. Seuss